Archive for 2017

Below is a copy of a campaign to stop the FCC from ending net neutrality.  Why should you care?  Because, if ended, the big internet providers like Comcast, Verizon, AT&T  and others will be able to block your content, prevent you from getting access to information, and charge you fees for “premium” access or services. An example of the consequences we could see if net neutrality is eliminated was reported about TripAdvisor, who blocked negative comments about women who were sexually assaulted at certain resorts in Mexico. This came to light when one woman posted information on social media about a particular hotel because her comments kept being removed by TripAdvisor. Dozens of women came forward to let her know →

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You’ve got a stack of customer invoices to create and bills to pay, all sitting patiently on your desk waiting for your attention. You dread this time of the month because numbers are just not your thing. You hate how long it takes to get the paperwork taken care of, and you don’t understand the results your bookkeeper gives you. It just looks like a list of numbers on a page that has no relation to the activities you’ve completed during the month. And then you hear in the news that a bookkeeper is going to jail for embezzling funds from a small business, a government agency or non-profit organization. Great. Just Great. Just recently, a former bookkeeper for Arizona →

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Aren’t you tired of all the terrible news?  Paris, attacked again.  Bill O’Reilly leaving Fox under allegations of sexual harassment and $13M in payouts. United passenger dragged off an airplane.  Where has all the good news gone?? If we can create “fake news”, why can’t we also create “good news”?

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In starting my research for this blog post I found a USA Today headline reading “Trump delivers the death blow to ethics.” Well That’s an Understatement! Presidential advisers pitching products, releasing fake news, accepting positions for which they have no qualifications or experience, fighting with federal judges, name calling, dismantling laws without considering consequences, brushing off conflicts of interest as irrelevant… Have I missed any???! If this isn’t the death of ethics I don’t know what is.

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“If money is big enough, why not?” was the response to a 60-minutes investigator who asked Stefano Varjas, an inventor from Budapest, Hungary, about whether he would sell his invention, a motorized bicycle accessory, to clients who intended to cheat in bike races. (Click here for the segment entitled “Enhancing the Bike” aired 1/29/17.) The investigator was specifically talking about racers of the Tour de France. And while Varjas would not say if he directly sold the motor to athletes directly, he said cannot say what his clients do with his motor. He also said he knew racers had used it and he participated in investigations of athletes in both the Tour de France and the Olympics. According to the →

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